Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Running With Scissors!

On my right elbow I have a small scar just over a cm in length. I don't remember how I got this one but I always marveled over how I got a scar in such an awkward place. I remember when I was about 4 or 5 asking my mother how it happened. Apparently, when I was about 18 months old I got a hold of her red handled left handed scissors (my mother is left handed) while my she was sewing and took off with them. I apparently refused to give them back. In the process of running off with them, like all bottom heavy toddlers, I tripped and fell and landed on the end of them, skewering my right elbow.

According to my mother, I bled like a stuck pig and cried my eyes out. Well, I didn't cry for long apparently. I was too busy looking at all the blood and concentrating on my mother cleaning my wound and putting steri-strips on it to hold my cut together. My mother mentioned that it probably could've done with stitches but she didn't think it was worth troubling an ambulance to come out and take me to hospital as my father was at work and she didn't (and still doesn't) drive. That and I seemed to settle and forget about it almost straight away. The steri-strips seemed to do the job and I've just got a slightly stretched scar to remind me of the incident that I can't even remember.

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